Sunday, April 17, 2011

I'm in love with Judas, baby!

So last Friday Lady Gaga released her new single, Judas. Shockingly, many people were offended. Okay, not shockingly. But still. It irritates me. Probably because I basically never get offended.

But the main reason it annoys me when people get all riled up is because it's always "Christians." In this case. Gaga offended many religious groups with her song Judas. I'm not sure how, as it's about a Christian who loves sinning. Um.....don't we all?  I mean, it's time to step up to the plate Christians-Jesus is the only one who's never sinned! We all sin, whether accidentally or on purpose, we like what we're doing!

So if you're a Christian, you should really be thinking about whether you're hard-hearted like the Pharisees of Jesus's day or soft-hearted and willing to address your sin, which is what you believe in if you really follow Jesus.