Monday, March 7, 2011


"'Come now, let us reason together,' says the Lord. 'Though you sins are like scarlet, they shall as be white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.'"-Isaiah 1:18

What a concept. I discovered this verse last night when I was running through my favorite verses of Isaiah (so far). 

It seems ridiculous, to me, that God-who is perfect, who is everything good, powerful, awesome, all-knowing-would want to 'reason together' with me. Which makes me think, what did they think back then? I mean, here's this crazy dude (Isaiah) in this society that's so f-ed up they don't even realize it, and he's telling them that God wants to make a deal, that if they clean up their act they can be completely forgiven and made white as snow. What a crazy idea!

I have an advantage on them-I know Jesus. I know that in this verse, God is talking about shedding His innocent make my life pure again. 

But still...when I come across a verse like this, I just have to stop and think for a moment about how incredible this is for me to believe today. I know it's true, God forgives and washes me clean every day, but it's hard to forgive myself, and to see myself as something that's new.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I like the verse too. And I have to say I huge thank-you! You just became my 300th blog follower. Definitely made my night. Thanks.
