Monday, March 21, 2011

So it's been a while...

~"Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal."-Isaiah 26:4

As I sit here avoiding typing my lab report for a class I despise and a professor whom I can't find nice things to say about, I realized it had been 3 weeks since I wrote anything. Oops.

I just came across the bulletin from church yesterday, and I scribbled all over the back of it. Before I throw it out, I'm going to share what I took for notes. 

1. agape is love. It is NOT touchy-feely "love," but it is the love that Jesus had for us-an attitude adjustment, a committment. 
2. kosmos is the Greek word for "world." To go into a greater depth, kosmos is an entity that is at complete enemity with God, a God-hating world. 
With this in mind, read John 3:16. "For God so agaped the (God-hating) world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."
I hope that's powerful for you, because it was for me. 

Well I don't have a whole lot of thoughts right now. The thoughts I have at this moment are mostly about school and how much I hate every class I'm taking this semester except for one. Well...maybe 2. My two electives. But I hate Geology, Meteorology, Psychology, and Horticulture. Horticulture is the class I'm despising right now. It'll only take me an hour or so to write my 13 page lab report...but that's because I do half-ass, actually less than half-ass, work for professors I can't stand.

On the positive side, I rode my mule last week, so that's always beneficial for my health and the health of those around me. Cause I'm more tolerable when my needs have been met. ;)

A picture of me at my finest (well sort of...finest would be a real nice trail somewhere, but for some reason nobody ever has a camera on them)

Monday, March 7, 2011


"'Come now, let us reason together,' says the Lord. 'Though you sins are like scarlet, they shall as be white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.'"-Isaiah 1:18

What a concept. I discovered this verse last night when I was running through my favorite verses of Isaiah (so far). 

It seems ridiculous, to me, that God-who is perfect, who is everything good, powerful, awesome, all-knowing-would want to 'reason together' with me. Which makes me think, what did they think back then? I mean, here's this crazy dude (Isaiah) in this society that's so f-ed up they don't even realize it, and he's telling them that God wants to make a deal, that if they clean up their act they can be completely forgiven and made white as snow. What a crazy idea!

I have an advantage on them-I know Jesus. I know that in this verse, God is talking about shedding His innocent make my life pure again. 

But still...when I come across a verse like this, I just have to stop and think for a moment about how incredible this is for me to believe today. I know it's true, God forgives and washes me clean every day, but it's hard to forgive myself, and to see myself as something that's new.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Manifesto of a Little Monster

"Have we not all one Father? Did not one God create us? ..."-Malachi 2:10

Confession: I adore Lady Gaga. I am a Little Monster for sure...I have all her music, a few of her better videos, a T-shirt, and a Gaga Halloween costume. I think she is fantastic. Her songs are well-written, have good beats, and, in the case of many, impart a good message. But my favorite part about Lady Gaga is her videos...each one more "edgy" than the rest. I did not particularly care for the "Alejandro" video, I like to pretend that didn't happen, but as soon as I got out of class yesterday I came back to watch "Born This Way." And I was not disappointed.

Let me introduce you, if you haven't seen it yet. I think it's amazing-the way it opens up, the disgustingness of some scenes, Gaga's lovely...dancing... and I am partial to the skeleton scenes and the pop culture scenes (Madonna anyone?). Viewer Discretion if you'll take caution, ha!