Tuesday, February 14, 2012

And the truth shall set you free

She said, "I won't come back." I said, "Don't come back. I'm better off alone." -Casey Donahew Band

Anyone who knows me well enough (so maybe like 3 people) know that I despise Valentine's Day. Because it's only cool for the k-5th grade crowd.

However, this Valentine's Day was pretty sweet for me. If you've read my blog/followed me on facebook, twitter, or Pinterest, you know that the past couple months have been rough on a couple of accounts. One of those is the friend who abandoned me. Anyone who knows me knows we were more than friends, because I've finally admitted it to about a thousand people the past month.

Well I've been playing detective the past couple months, trying to figure out what the fuck happened. And today, I was told a true story by a subject in said story. And it was a life-changing revelation. For the first time in months, I don't have to wonder what I did wrong. I've literally spent months now, rehashing every detail of this friendship/relationship, trying to figure out what I did. And the truth is...nothing. I am completely innocent in this. I didn't do anything to cause him to abandon me, the fact is, he just wasn't being a good enough friend for me and if I had to analyze it, he felt/maybe still feels guilty about it. But it doesn't matter. Because the truth sets you free. And for the first time in a long time, I will sleep through the night tonight.

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